The Companions of Dorothy The Worker

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation (federal tax ID 84-2313626)

About the Companions

The Companions of Dorothy the Worker is an ecumenical Christian community, dispersed or under one roof; encouraging each other and supporting each other in ministry; living by the work of our own hands; depending on God as we strive to make God’s love felt in the queer community, which has been marginalized by the Church and the World. We adopt the Principles and Governing Documents of the community. We accomplish this ministry by being active companions, living and participating with the people we serve; modeling Christ’s love.

We own as our patron the Blessed Dorothy Day. We dedicate our formation to the Venerable Anthony Turney, who was our supporter and protector. We are guided by Franciscan ideals and the spirituality and practice of our beguine foremothers embodied in our Principles. 

Saint Francis